repeat purchase rate

The Importance of Repeat Purchase Rate (RPR) in...

Jul 13, 2023

In the world of eCommerce, acquiring new customers is undeniably important for growth. However, what truly matters in today's competitive landscape is the ability to retain those customers. This is where the concept of Repeat Purchase Rate...

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Loyalty Programs

The Power of Loyalty Programs: Driving Brand Loyalty...

Jul 13, 2023

In the highly competitive landscape of today's market, establishing brand loyalty is crucial for sustained success. Loyalty programs, when executed effectively, have the potential to create emotional and transactional connections with customers, driving repeat purchases and advocacy. This...

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voice search

Voice-Activated Future: How to Optimize for Voice Search...

Jul 13, 2023

The rise of voice-enabled devices, including Google Home, Homey, and the Amazon Echo range. Has led to an increased presence of these devices in Western households. In today's world, anthropomorphic assistants such as Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant...

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Social Network

The Altruism Revolution: A Social Network Free from...

Jul 10, 2023

Roar Social, a groundbreaking social media platform, aims to redefine the role of social media by harnessing its power for the greater good. Unlike traditional platforms social media and social network such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram,...

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Cloud Native Apps

Crafting High-Performance Cloud Native Apps: Best Practices

Jul 10, 2023

Building high-performance, future-proof cloud native apps requires the adoption of microservices architecture. This approach offers several advantages over traditional monolithic programs. Microservices allow for scalability by enabling independent scaling of services based on demand. They also enhance fault...

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cybersecurity women

Unmasking the Cybersecurity Warriors

Jul 10, 2023

Why Women Should Consider Pursuing a Career in Cybersecurity Engineering? At times, recognizing the real-life superheroes among us, like intelligence analysts, forensic scientists, and these dedicated experts, can be quite challenging. Yes, those professionals! While we may not...

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esports gaming

Esports in India: Exploring the Phenomenon and Industry...

Jul 10, 2023

In recent years, the Esports category has witnessed an unprecedented surge in interest from gamers, accompanied by a supportive policy framework. This has set the stage for a new wave of growth and development in the industry, promising...

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AI music, AI-generated songs

Why AI-Generated Songs Won't Bag Grammy Awards

Jul 06, 2023

In a recent update to their rules, the Recording Academy made it clear that artificial intelligence (AI). AI-Generated Songs will not be eligible for one of the music industry's most prestigious awards, the Grammy. According to Variety,...

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AI and its risk

AI: Exploring Four Perspectives and Understanding its Risks

Jul 06, 2023

Is Artificial Intelligence a Big Deal? Let's Dive into the Debate Artificial intelligence (AI) - it's a topic that has sparked both excitement and skepticism in equal measure. As we delve into the world...

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smartphone fairphone 4

Fairphone 4: The Sustainable Choice Beyond Megapixels

Jul 06, 2023

In the competitive world of smartphones, where companies often focus on improving camera features and other specifications, a new player has emerged in the US market with a unique proposition – social responsibility. Murena's Fairphone 4 stands out...

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